As an essential part of our platform, we have a ticketing module that engages customer support reps and technicians alike.
Customer support can create a ticket by going to ::: Menu then Helpdesk then click on Create Helpdesk Ticket.
When a ticket is created assigned technician and Customer will receive an SMS alerting them. The technician will receive contact details and a summary of the submitted ticket. Customers will get a text advising them of their ticket number with the expected resolution time. Here's how to reply to tickets:1Go to Menu , then Helpdesk, click on My Tickets, and select it from the list of results shown.
- TITLE: May give a reason why a ticket was opened.
- SOURCE: How the ticket was reported.
- CUSTOMER: Account that is associated with this ticket.
- HIGH SITE: This could be Towers, Masts e.t.c where the main internet link is and it is distributed from there.
- PRIORITY: Importance placed on the ticket.
- CANNED ISSUE: why this ticket was created.
- DEPARTMENT: Department that can best handle these tickets.
- ASSIGN TO: Technician assigned to the ticket.
- DETAILS: Further information on the submitted ticket.